Sea Bird RV Park
16429 Highway 101 South
Brookings, OR 97415
ph: 541-469-3512
Listed below are some great local business that might be helpful during your stay with us. As you go through the list and use some of these great services please let us know how you were treated. We try to keep this list up to date but sometimes a business moves or is no longer available.
Hurry In Curry - Resturant Food Delivery
Click to see a larger image
The United States Coast Guard is a HUGE part of our community. If you are a boater that will be using the waterways of our community then the Chetco Station is worth a visit.
The men and women of the USCG Chetco Station protect and serve all of us.
Here you will find very mild weather in all seasons. Tempatures range from 40s and 60s in the winter to 60s and 80s in the spring and summer.
In the winter we do get our share of the Pacific North West rains. However, many of the Nor' Wester storms are mild here compared to anywhere else on the Oregon coast.
We are known as the "Banana Belt" of the coast since many in our community even grow citrus fruit.
There is a weather feature here called the Chetco Effect and it is when the hot air of summer pours out of the river canyons and warms up the coastal areas near by to tropical temps at times. There are many river canyons near us The Smith, The Winchuck, The Chetco, The Pistol and The Rogue. This creates many different temprate zones.
Copyright 2021 Sea Bird RV Park LLC. All rights reserved.
Sea Bird RV Park
16429 Highway 101 South
Brookings, OR 97415
ph: 541-469-3512